Chronicle of the Future Online Debate

Join our Online Debate and have your say. Read the articles by our experts and get online. Exchange ideas and contribute to our vision of the millennium.

 Michio Kaku

By 2050 science revolutionises life expectancy, but who wants to live for ever in a world still plagued by human folly?

 Bryan Appleyard   

Technology seduces us into believing it will find solutions to every problem. But will it make us better people?

 Paul Rogers

History teaches us we must think the unthinkable. Should we abandon faith in peace and prepare for World War III?

 David Starkey

By 2050 England will have recreated itself: visionary, multi-ethnic, free. Is this farewell to the bulldog breed?

 Susan Greenfield

By 2050 humanity could have been left behind. Scientists predict that by then we will be creating a new species, genetically enhanced and ready to grasp immortality. Is this what we want?