The Millennium ExperienceChronicle of the Future


The list is made up of...397 men, 103 women

The top five

Tom Packer
Packaging; £22bn
The appropriately named Packer, 57, has made Pack 'Em Better Packaging one of the world's most successful companies.

Dr Konstantin Byers
Pharmaceuticals; £16bn
The Cambridge bio-med genius, 53, owns the patent to the bestselling drug Cognovin, which boosts intelligence levels.

David Beckham & Victoria Adams
Entertainment; £15bn
The former footballer and Spice Girl, now in their mid-forties, promote concerts and sports events through their company D&A Entertainment.

Luke Johnson
Entrepeneur; £6.8bn
Johnson, 57, earned a tidy sum from his international Belgo Group of restaurants. But early investment in CVS (Computerised Vision System) has topped that up handsomely.

Stella McCartney
Fashion; £6.5bn
Resigning after a decade as head of the Yves Saint Laurent house, McCartney, 48, has made more than her Beatle father ever did from her fas