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Meet the Russian computer genius

14.10.10: RUSSIA'S computer genius Kyra Alysen has become the federation's first euro trillionaire after the stunningly successful flotation on the London stock exchange of her software company, K.

The 27-year-old Russian set up her St Petersburg company less than three years ago, but already K is credited with the software innovation of the decade: Infinity. The program employs sophisticated higher mathematics to integrate the world's millions of incompatible computer and communications devices.

Infinity ­ its slogan is 'Everything else is obsolete' ­ is already being hailed as the successor to the aged Windows operating systems. And Alysen says it can end the computer chaos currently befuddling the Internet.

The vast expansion of Internet television in recent months is a direct result of the propagation of Infinity. From being a poor cousin to regular digital television broadcasts, Net TV appears likely to become the primary medium for both one-way and interactive video.

Net TV, using K's Infinity servers, no