The Millennium ExperienceChronicle of the Future

Remember your memory chip

12.04.42: BEING ABLE TO remember the exact order of the cards after glancing through a pack only once is impressive, right?

Not if you are Dr Denver Pibram of the Extropic Institute. He can remember them all effortlessly, providing he has his NeuroCon chip turned on.

Many people now have cyberchips inserted in their brains, but what makes Pibram's prototype special is its bandwidth - the quantity of information it can ferry in or out. He says: "Human beings are so isolated because our minds are connected to others by the tenuous low-bandwidth links of speech and hearing." Pibram's chip increases the number of neuronal signals by a factor of 1000. He also plans to link it to a holographic reader.

"We know that memory works on a holographic principle,